Texas Hill Country and BBQ tour
Everyone knows about the greatest thing in the Lone Star State......BBQ! but few know that the wine scene has exploded over the last decade and we're gonna get down to the knitty gritty on both!
Time & Location
Spring 2021
Wimberley, TX, USA
About The Event
Ever wanted to learn the tricks of the trade from the top pitmasters in the country? Find the perfect temperature for brisket? Explore the beauty of Texas hill country while drinking the best wines the state produces and some of the best in the country. We'll spend our days winding through the back roads drinking killer juice with wineries you've never heard of, but will soon.
We'll also spend a day with one of the best smoked meat maestros to ever meet a smoker. Wine tastings, cooking class, cold beer and plenty more fun to come. Details coming...